
7 april 2017 - Tokio, Japan

We started off with visiting some dojo where sumo wrestlers were training. Those guys are massive! And massively strong too. It was really crowded over there though, so I did not really get any good pictures. But I've seen a bit. I've seen one of em squatting, with an even bigger one on his back.

After the training was over (9 am) we went to a government building. Why? The view. It's a really high building and it offers a great view of tokyo. This was the first place we had to open our bags to before entering. Makes sense, I guess. Oh yeah, on the way here, we saw this building shaped like an owl. I cannot remember what it was used for, though..

Off to Shibuya! Famous for Shibuya Crossing. The largest crossing in the world! The best view for this crossing would be star bucks. Of all places, right?
I think it was Shibuya as well where we went to the greatest book store in the world. Atleast.. I think it was the world.. anyway, it had 8 floors. Really big.. I bought a book there to learn japanese. And it helped me quite a bit! Not just with the words and phrases that were in there, but also with impressing Japanese people. To show them I really want to learn Japanese and am genuinely interested. It opened a lot of doors in conversations.

A bit later, Patrick and I, went to this special shrine/temple. To me it was nothing special, really. But he really wanted to go there as it's a signature spot for one of his favorite anime series. And I thought I'd tag along. After that, we went back to the hotel.

I wasn't feeling like filling the rest of my day in the hotel. So I tried looking for shop that sells Japanese swords. I would've loved to buy a sword and display it at my house. But first I wanted to explore what kinds of swords there are. I had already seen a few shops that sold swords, but I did not want to buy any right off the bat. And I thought a shop specialized in swords would do nicely, as they'd probably have a big collection of swords.
So I went to this place called Japan Sword. Has a nice ring to it, right? Like it would surely have a sword! Well.. They did!
But.. these swords were authentic. And it turns out, authentic is just another word for: expensive. The cheapest sword they got was I think.. 350,000 yen. Which is roughly 3500 euros. So I got away from this shop and just started walking around. And I noticed I was quite near to the Tokyo Tower. Another place I really wanted to go to. Not really because of the tower viewpoint.. but more because of the amusement park that's in it: Tokyo One Piece Tower. One of my favorite anime series. But there wasn't that much time, and I figured I'd probably need a whole day for that. So I didn't enter, I only got up close and then moved along. As there was much to see. It's kind of weird, isn't it. A city like tokyo, and you can just walk around and you'll see a lot of beautiful things.

Tonight was our last dinner with the group. We thanked Ayako for everything she'd done for us. We had another buffet dinner, didn't like it as much as I did the last buffet though. Ayako couldn't join us for most of the dinner, sadly. She was really busy with organising her next tour. With Japanse people. Apparently, those are the worst. I really loved all the Japanese people I met, but apparently they're not all that cool. Japanese people are all about customer service. And they've grown to need it. Ayako told us that she has to call every single person in a Japanese tour group, every morning, to wake them up. As they expect such kind of service.

Later this evening, I went to another Hardrock Cafe with Patrick. We were kinda stunned when we heard it would only be open till 11pm. On a friday night. So we had one large beer, and had to drink it quite fast actually, as I still wanted some merch.